When should new employees be enrolled?

Employers must automatically enrol all new and eligible employees who are: aged 22 to state pension age earning over £10,000 a year Working or ordinarily work in the U ...

Do I need to enrol overseas workers?

For Auto-Enrolment (AE) purposes, an employer only needs to assess and enrol UK workers into a scheme. Therefore, as an employer, you need to assess if a worker is working or ordin ...

Why is there a negative amount when contributing to my pension if I earn £12,570 or less?

The standard Personal Allowance this year is £12,570. If your annual earnings are £12,570 or less, you fall below the personal allowance, meanin ...

How to add a discount code

Tap on the top order information (where it says 'Pay Now') Click Edit Order Then you can enter the code

Do AE regulations apply to employees currently in a SIPP? ​

Before a private pension arrangement such as a SIPP can be in place, the AE process must first be followed with the worker being enrolled, if eligible, and then opting out. Furthe ...

What does Qualifying Earnings mean?

Qualifying earnings is a band of earnings used to calculate pension contributions used by most employers. Under qualifying earnings, contributions are calculated based on a par ...

What is the Duties Start date? 

Anyone who became an employer after 1 October 2017 has to legally comply with automatic enrolment duties for their new employees. These duties apply immediately from the first da ...

Tax Relief Options on Workplace Pension

When employees contribute to their pension scheme, they get tax relief on their contributions. This means that some of the employee’s pay, which would otherwise have gone to ...

What are the minimum pension contributions?

From 6 April 2019 onwards, the minimum workplace pension contributions is a total of 8%, at least 3% of which must be paid by the employer. These minimums are required by the aut ...

What is Re-Enrolment?

What is Re-Enrolment? Every 3 years from their staging date or duties start date, employers need to re-assess workers who have previously Opted out or elected to leave the w ...

Can employees opt out before being enrolled?

No. An employer must enrol all eligible employees first so that the pension provider can provide them with all the necessary information and documentation. Only after being enrol ...

Can I contribute into my worker's SIPP?

As an employer, you can contribute into your worker's personal pension instead of contributing into the company's workplace pension if you decide to do so. However, you have no leg ...

What are seconded workers?

In general, a seconded worker is one who is assigned from a foreign company to work for the local (UK) company for a limited period of time for a variety of reasons. ​ As far as t ...

Earnings basis

The earnings basis refers to the basis of the employee’s earnings that are used for calculating pension contributions. See the options below: Qualifying Earnings: Tota ...

Lifetime Allowance Protection

The lifetime pension allowance is the total amount you can build up in all your pension savings without incurring a tax charge. Learn more on what pension allowance means here. ...

What is Qualifying Earnings

Qualifying earnings is the name given to a band of earnings used to calculate contributions for Auto-Enrolment: Total Minimum required: 8% of all Banded Earnings Company Mi ...

Can a company Director be exempt?

Some workers who would normally meet the Auto-Enrolment (AE) criteria may be exempt or excluded from AE if they are Directors of a company. A director is only a worker for AE purp ...

Why was tax deducted from my payslip if I haven't reached my personal allowance?

Tax works on a cumulative basis and therefore it calculates the amount earned to date, and the tax rate assumes that earnings levels will remain consistent throughout the year. ...